Monday, March 31, 2008

Is that your REAL answer?

One of my personal problems is that I don't know how to turn people down.

Sure, I am indecisive about most things, except for the decisions that really matter. But this issue is more of the fact that I make the decision, yet feel bad passing it on.

The case in point that I am referring to is saying no to photographers that I don't want to work with... I normally stick to:

- I'm focusing on school right now
- I am not doing much TFP
- I am pretty busy

I just need the guts to say: NO, I don't want to pose nude and seductive for you, your work is crap, but if you want my body these are my rates.

Its so frustrating to be more than a push-over, which I feel I am doing by being an excuse user. Alas, I'm too busy focusing on school to grow some balls :-)

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