Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Don't "Hassel" the Guard

I understand that there are some establishments that flirting with a worker is acceptable- like a strip club. Sure that flirting is fake, but it is part of the job. Life guarding on the other hand is not one such field.

Thank you for acknowledging my looks, it is always good to receive a compliment. But when I am rotating to the other guard tower and there are over 50 people in the pool, it is not only impolite but incredibly stupid to stop me and try to start up a conversation. I don't find this ignorance to be attractive, nor the fact that you're half naked and incredibly hairy (although some out there like that, what with the success of bear strip clubs where the dancers grow their own shirts, I personally love the smoothness of my boyfriend's chest.)

By being so self centered that you want me to stop doing what I'm paid for to "chat me up" you are doing nothing for your case. If I came into your place of employment and distracted you from your minimum wage job of bagging groceries you would probably be reprimanded. My consequences would be worse if someone drowned during your worthless flirting spree.

In the past it was always the attractive men that were lifeguards and surfers in their free time that worked in California... Thank you Bay Watch. You have made it so that it is ok for people to flirt with me, because I will still have that telepathic connection to the distressed swimmer and will leave mid canoodling to rescue them. If I walk away I am seen as a bitch, and if I stay then I am totally unprofessional.

On the subject of Bay Watch, it seems David Hasselhoff had some fur on the stomach. If he was next to Pamela Anderson then in turn he would have the hotness quota that she did for men.

So am I in the minority on this body hair debacle? What is the turn on to body hair? Fine, I can deal with pubes and even some facial hair (as long as it isn't leaving red marks on my face) but why do I want that extra itchy friction on my chest if we're...errr... practicing modified CPR? Back hair is even worse since a man has even less control over getting rid of it. Sorry that you guys have to deal with it, but if you expect us to trim the hedges, the same goes to you... EVERYWHERE.

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